An empty chair defines a negative space that should be occupied by a person. You could sit there. This is an office chair. You could end up sitting in one of these for a long time. It happened to me. This was the view from my office door until our “team” was relocated. I understand we are to get cubicles. Viewed from above, cubicles look like a maze.
And so it goes. I’ve taken quite a few pictures of empty chairs over the years. Why? I sometimes wonder myself. Perhaps it’s the feel of the space left behind, when a person isn’t in it. My favorite, a chair of mine located in a dense woods, is already on this blog here.
I’ll post a few more of the chair series over the next few weeks. . .
Photo details: Taken with an old Speed Graphic and a 90 mm Angulon Lens, on Tri-X 4”X5” sheet film.
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