Thursday, March 8, 2007

Black and White Dreams -- Beginning

This is a blog about photography.

I’ve pulled images from trays of chemicals in dimly lit darkrooms, and now from patterns in silicon. It’s still an image.
As you might imagine, there will be pictures posted. Some mine, some from archives, some scrounged from musty corners, old postcards, whatever comes up.
There is also a web site of photographs at
I love old family albums, which one can find here in Virginia, in a variety of antique stores. Someone dies, and their soul get put out in a tag sale on the lawn. These are photos documenting the better part of a lifetime, in an album, usually for ten bucks or so.
Sometimes I’m surprised at what I find. One album in particular, had images with more flair than the usual. You could get a sense of a family full of humor, playfulness. In posts following, I will share some of these.

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