Monday, May 3, 2010

The older graveyard near the Downtown of Charlottesville is a great place to wander around in, checking out the souls floating, and what the stones say about them. There are plenty of old souls in this place, back to Civil War in some cases. Charlottesville made many of the uniforms for Confederate Soldiers, in what was called the Woolen Mills, which is still what the neighborhood is called. The area was also the location of a number of hospitals set up to deal with Confederate wounded ( )


emory said...

hey Ed-
for some weird innanet reason, Bloglines was not informing me when your blog updated. Just subscribed via Feedburner, see if that feed works better.
Woolen Mills? Isn't there a blog about that place?

Ed Deasy said...


There is a blog about that place! I should have put in a link.
About the rest, I'm not sure. I set up a feedburner account, but I'm not familiar with bloglines. I will be shortly, though.
