Tuesday, November 4, 2008

U.Va. Heating Plant, Click for larger image

These surreal structures are just a short walk from the "Corner" in Charlottesville, and also a short sprint from the Rotunda at U.Va. People who drive or walk through these areas are likely to never see them, as they are tucked carefully behind one of the larger buildings in the U.Va. Hospital complex. These are the heating plant towers for the Hospital. They are called the UVA Coal Towers. Some are newly constructed. UVA Hospital uses coal for most of its heating needs.

Generally I shoot black and white film for night photography, but I have been experimenting with color negative (Fuji NPS 160 - 120 roll film). This was taken with a shift lens architectural camera called a Plaubel Makina Proshift.
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David c.h. Brown said...

Hi Ed,
Beautiful exposure and detail. Makes me anxious to dig out my RB67and do some night shooting again. A shift lens is to drool for. Thanks, Dave

Ed Deasy said...
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Ed Deasy said...

hadn't really noticed those towers from that angle, and I've lived here you many years. I happened to wander back in the small park and there they were. A tall chain link fence was behind the trees, so that spot was the best.
The camera is an odd one. Your stuck with the one lens, and it only shifts, there are no tilts, etc. But it is really portable and simple.